A beautiful park where the old converge to boast the many talents of their grandchildren...young parents cruising along with strollers bearing cute, chubby babies...loving pet owners taking time to walk their furry animals...
Sweaty children running amok, round and round the playground they go...parents keeping watchful eyes on their children, rushing to their aid at the slightest cry, fall, scratch or graze...
Tetris-like blocks of high-rise flats obscuring the possibility of a lovely view ...leaving you to wonder what lies beyond...
Two heads are better than one...bonding session with an older sibling...carefree housewives trading gossips...kind-hearted souls dutifully feeding the strays, unswerving in their mission...
Anxious to get home before it starts to pour again...wondering how he could have lost track of time so easily...blocking away thoughts of an impending Monday...
This is a pretty neighbourhood, and I am glad to be part of it! :)
My fave economic beehoon
12 years ago