Thursday, February 26, 2009

When CY is bored, she

Twiddles her thumbs
Stares into space
Yawns incessantly
Loses her train of thought
Has a short attention span
Speaks illogically
Starts obsessing
Watches a lot of TV
Complains that life sucks
Is crabby and antisocial
Checks her email every 3 minutes
Reads all status updates on FB
Leaves comments on blogs and FB
Looks like a dead duck
Dreads tomorrow
Looks forward to the weekend
Wishes time would fly
Dreams of quitting her job
Fantasizes about her new pad
Wonders what her friends are doing
Can't stop thinking about food
Writes nonsense on her blog


Kayie said...

comes up with lotsa workable decorative ideas for her friend :)

Jellbell from Hell said...

Of course! I will use all my free time to come up with lotsa ideas!! But suddenly hor...dunno why very busy leh...HAHAHA ;)