Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The travel bug bites

Thoughts of travel have occupied my brain a lot lately. I have been reminiscing about the UK trip in May last year, Japan creeps in ever so often too. I'll admit that these are 2 of my best trips so far, and I remember them vividly because they are so recent.

I always believe that being involved in the planning of a trip heightens one's enjoyment of the trip itself. Which leaves me itching to buy an airticket immediately so that I can start the whole planning process again.

So where should I go this time? I've had fleeting thoughts of going back to the UK (the pound is so incredibly low and there are still so many unexplored I love London), France (romantic Paris, the vineyards and the coastal areas) and Eastern Europe (very intriguing). Been bugging P to decide. He does take an awfully long time to make a simple decision, I don't know why. Of course, there's a chance he'll say no to everything, which would indeed be disappointing.

I'm tempted to do up itineraries for all 3 possibilities, just for kicks. That's kind of silly, I know. But but but!! Ahhhhhhh!

Keeping my fingers crossed that something will materialise!

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