Saturday, August 13, 2011

Write offs

Some people just do not deserve the goodwill you extend to them. I have done nothing except to treat you as a good friend - supported your career when I could, include you in gatherings so that we could continue to keep in touch. But at crunch time, all I asked for is the truth and you chose to deny me of it. If you are as innocent as you claim to be, why hide? No one is going to thank you for it and I absolutely deserve to know. And don't even for a second of your sodden life think you are helping me by keeping silent - I AM NOT GOING TO THANK YOU FOR IT.

Surely, one has to be guilt-stricken to have some qualms about coming out in the open? Aren't you one of the perpetrators of the gossips and rumours? Indeed, I am disappointed that you were not more upfront at the beginning. But by withholding the truth now, especially after I've asked you to come clean, has convinced me that you are just plain bloody selfish. By taking this path, you have essentially forfeited whatever chance you had to redeem yourself. You most certainly do not deserve a friend in me.

So to hell with you. May your little "secret" haunt you at night while I sleep comfortably in my bed. And may you feel guilty for betraying me for the rest of your life. From now on, you are OUT OUT OUT of my life you fucking bitch.

* * * * *

To real friends whom I may have alarmed, do not worry. The unpleasant episode is behind me now but I just needed this space to vent my frustrations.

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