I was supposed to have received this huge brown package last week, but because no one was home to sign for the registered mail, I only managed to collect it from the post office this morning. I was waiting in anticipation whilst the lady at the PO took her time to search for the package. The thing is, I've always had a phobia of things going missing in the mail. I shop online very often and rely on Singpost to do a good job of delivering my mail safely to my home. After a few scares of my purchases going missing, I decided to invest in insurance to ensure that in the event my mail goes missing, Singpost is made liable for the mishap and compensates me for my loss. Small price to pay for peace of mind. So far, none of my registered mail has gone missing, thank god.
I was elated to hold the package in my hands, but I was not prepared to open it yet. It's not everyday you receive a nice big package like that, so I wanted to prolong the moment. Throughout the day in the office, I took little peeks at the package and it really made Monday feel less dreary.
Finally, at 11pm at night, I tore the brown paper away to reveal a heavily guarded shoe box.
I stripped the box of its defences, leaving it helpless and susceptible to attacks.
Ta-da!! A nice fluffy pillow!
An exquisite piece of patchwork....
Put them together and what do you get?
King of all Pillows resting on its mighty throne!
Picture of a happy patchwork pillow onwer. What better way to say thank you?
Another darling creation from Onebowl Inc.
glad you like it! & nice pictures! forgot to tell you that the ziplock bag can be reused - it costs $1 :(
btw, you want everyone on the www to know where you stay isit? :P
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