Monday, November 24, 2008

Another long wait

Visited the condo yesterday to check on its progress. 10 floors are completed now, but it was obvious that the expected TOP date of 31 December 2008 cannot be met.

I decided to call the developer to check on the status and was referred to this lady Catherine. She nearly caused my blood to reach boiling point, I tell ya. She replied "I think..." to every question I asked, and when I asked her if she could confirm or transfer me to someone who knew the answers, she told me to check with my lawyers. Erm hello? If I had heard from my lawyer, I wouldn't be calling you right? To make matters worse, she kept interrupting me throughout the conversation and verbally shoo-ed me off the phone by telling me "you check with your lawyers bye!" Notice no full-stop between "you check with your lawyers" and "bye". I was not even given the chance to talk!

I called my lawyer and he confirmed that he had not received any letter. He also (quite sarcastically, in my opinion) asked, "Why? So eager to get the keys ah?". Hello? I'm not some rich girl buying the condo to host parties or for my tiny pooch to live in? Of course I am waiting to get my keys and move in so that I can stop paying rent! Moreover, if you are expecting something you bought to be delivered to you on a stipulated date but it doesn't arrive, surely the right is yours to enquire the next delivery date? I then asked him whether he can call the developer to find out, and he said that it was not necessary, "we will hear from them once the keys are ready". What the ?!?!@?#@?$@%?$

I refused to give up and called that Catherine woman again. She obviously wasn't too pleased to hear from me again, but at least, she had bothered to recall some files, done her homework and was able to give me some decent answers in a civilised manner. God! Professionalism is almost non-existent in customer service these days.

So the million dollar question: When's the new expected TOP? It's freaking JUNE 2009! I'm definitely expecting to be compensated for this huge delay man...oh well, on the bright side, it'll coincide with the Great Singapore Sale so hopefully, I'd be able to get my furniture and electronics at a huge discount.


onebowl said...

hey.. alternatively, this leaves u enuff time to save up for another japan shopping spree trip? this time to buy stuffs to spruce up ur place :D

Jellbell from Hell said...

Thinking if I should go next year...but no money leh. Oh maybe maybe maybe if I can find cheap air tickets!