Monday, June 07, 2010

Lazy ramblings

Of late, I seem to be running out of things to blog about. Gone are the days where I'll bring my trusty camera wherever I go - weddings, gatherings, dinners etc and then post the photos on my blog and write about them. These days, I just go, sans camera. It has also been a while since I have done any critique on food, movies, music...blah blah. It would appear that my blog is slowly evolving into a travel blog? Hmmm...

So here I am slouched over my couch on a balmy Monday afternoon, thinking what a wonderful opportunity it is to do a Carrie Bradshaw and just write whilst sipping on a cuppa. Unfortunately, the mind is a complete and utter blank, and as I struggle to recall interesting things that have happened to me recently, none beckons.

I summon my thoughts together, but they are all mumbo jumbo and I can't think straight. Maybe I need to bring my camera out and about again, take lots of photos, make new friends, instead of getting swallowed by the monotony of life. Or maybe I just want to be a buoy and bob along, no drama, no action, just normal peaceful everyday life.

For now, I think I'm happy bobbing.


J said...

Haha. U need me, SJG, to bring some drama to ur life! P.s. SJG = Samantha Jason Goh.

Jellbell from Hell said...

OMG...can't believe you called yourself Samantha. LOLx!