Monday, June 18, 2012

Counting my blessings

Picked up a book "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin, ironically at one of the lowest moments of my life. One of the things that the author did in her happiness project was to "keep a gratitude notebook". An excerpt from the book reads:

"Gratitude is important to happiness. Studies show that consistently grateful people are happier and more satisfied with their lives; they even feel more physically happy and spend more time exercising. Gratitude brings freedom from envy, because when you're grateful for what you have, you're not consumed with wanting something different or something more. That, in turn, also makes it easier to live within your means and also be generous to others."

Reading that made me want to do a stock take of all the things I have in my life to be grateful for. I'm constantly reminding myself not to take, especially the people whom I love, for granted but somehow, when one is accustomed to having that something or someone there for you all the time, one becomes complacent and forgets to show appreciation. It wasn't until a recent setback that I realised how lucky I am to have people who love me for what I am, who unhesitatingly make themselves available for me when I need them and who want me to be, above all, just happy.
  • I am grateful to have supportive parents who give and love me unconditionally.
  • I am grateful to have 2 awesome brothers who are always there to listen to me and eat the food I cook.
  • I am grateful to have a bunch of close friends who are genuinely concerned about me and don't mind listening to me rant.
  • I am grateful to have a job which pays the bills and buys me the occasional luxury item that I lust after.
  • I am grateful to have my very own pad.
  • I am grateful for good health and a sensible mind.
Setbacks, disappointments and letdowns...sure, they are part and parcel of life. But the important thing is not to allow the negative emotions dwell on for too long. Don't forget that there are people out there with bigger problems - illness, death, divorce, addiction, etc...these will make our problems seem so miniscule and insignificant. Life is short, so live happily and treasure what you have!

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