Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Catching fleas

The flea market my ol' friends and I participated in last Saturday was, as anticipated, fun but tiring. It destroyed my entire Sunday - I was lethargic, lazy and found it a mammoth task to lift my hands, or legs, to do anything (excuses, I know).

Anyway, the outcome of the flea was unimpressive on my part. I made just enough to cover rental with a paltry balance for lunch and dinner. My gal friends fared better and made healthy profits. Money aside, all of us had fun marking down prices, collecting $, recording our sales in a little notebook, people watching, snacking and making silly comments all day long.

As for the clothes that wouldn't sell, we got to pick what we fancied from one another's leftovers. Well actually, some of these items never made it to the display as they've been "choped" even before the flea had begun! As the saying goes, one person's trash is another's treasure...


Kayie said...

Yah, I've muscle aches everywhere! When's our next date? :)

Jellbell from Hell said...

Next date we can try Tanglin! They shld be opening up registration for July flea soon!