Saturday, March 13, 2010

It came and went

Funny, the crush on V.W. (Vanness Wu) went as quickly as it hit me. LOL I still think he's cute but I no longer have the desire to stalk him in Taipei. I'm sure a few people are breathing sighs of relief as they're reading this.

I haven't been updating my blog as often as I used to. It just dawned on me that nothing exciting has happened to me since I moved into my new place. I'm just blissfully chilling out and though that's a great feeling, it's nowhere blog-worthy. Recently, CX brought me shopping at Square 2 and I realised that all the time, I'd been shopping for clothes at the wrong places. Seriously, there is a myriad of small boutiques selling nice working dresses at really reasonable prices! I bought 3 over 2 days. What an achievement! And then last night, I got my stash of ASOS clothes that I ordered last week. It was somewhat disappointing. Guess I'll be laying off for a while.

Am looking forward to my trip to Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary though I haven't been planning at all. I really should start, considering that the trip's just slightly a month over away. I hope it'll be fun, especially since Mae will be joining us for a couple of days in Budapest!

Things around the house have been going wonky of late. Like the kitchen sink that got choked and my radio controlled clock that has gone out of sync. My dining set arrived safe and sound and it's really pretty! In fact, I'm blogging from my laptop that now sits happily on the table instead of getting chucked from corner to corner. My next want is a petite coffee table and I just might have found THE ONE (although it's a tad pricey).

I've also been entertaining thoughts of taking an extended no-pay leave in May. I guess, at the end of the day, money really isn't everything and I could do with some free time to pitter-patter around the house. Maybe even get down to some ironing, exercise, baking or cooking. Sounds like fun already! Do I continue to dream, or make it reality?

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