Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Guinea pig

My attempt at airbrushing. Took quite long to learn this as there are so many different ways to airbrush, from the straightforward to the very complicated. In all of the modified photos, I used the healing brush and clone stamp to remove blemishes and moles, fade away dark eye circles and even out the skin tone.

Here's Exhibit Y before going under the photoshop knife, mole still intact.

First attempt (and also most complicated), which required me to apply surface blur, add noise, then gaussian blur. I also had to adjust the hue & saturation levels twice and do a paintjob on the mask. The effect - perfect complexion on slightly pasty-looking skin. I suspect that the colour is a bit off because most of the tutorials used ang moh models who are naturally fair.

This process was slightly simpler than the first. It involved using the dust & scratches filter, followed by Gaussian blur, add noise and adjust hue & saturation. The effect - similar to the first but less perfect skin (and perhaps more believable).

Perhaps the simplest process of all, I only had to use the surface blur and do a reverse paintjob. The effect - similar to the 2nd pic but the face colour looks more natural?

1 comment:

juskawaime said...

Guinea pig no 3 is nicest!! =)