Monday, February 26, 2007

Babies Galore!

From top to bottom, done in true Indian style: Baby Lucas s/o Mdm Stephanie Tham, Baby Tiffany d/o Mr Melvin Tan, Baby Caleb s/o Mdm Sharon Fong and Baby Isaac n(nephew)/o Mr P

Aren't the babies cute? I never could imagine myself a mother, and honestly, I still can't. But over the weekend, as Baby Caleb and Baby Tiffany set eyes on each other, I thought, how nice it would be if my own baby could join in the fun! Maybe cooing over all the adorable toddlers have awakened my maternal instincts. And it has also made me realise that I am now 2 phases behind my peers.

Up to the point when I started working, I never felt the disparity. Although I've known my friends at different points of my life, we've always moved together, from P1 to P6, S1 to S4, J1 to J2, U1 to U3. Hardly anyone I knew ever got left behind, and even if they were, I never saw them as being different from myself.

The situation has since changed. Most of my friends have upgraded themselves from "Singlehood" into "Marriagehood" and, appallingly for some, "Parenthood". Parenthood, the word itself scares me shitless. Though I turn 28 this year, I could scarcely consider myself an adult. I cringe and complain when I have to do "adult" stuff, such as getting a loan for my house. I'm still a "Toys R' Us" kid at heart, and I still yearn for that re-assuring pat on the head that tells me things are dandy or I'm doing good. Which makes me wonder how I could ever be a parent to anyone?

Kudos to all the mamas and papas out there!

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