Saturday, January 13, 2007

Captain weather

I thought I'd do a weather-related blog entry since the rain hasn't let up since nine-plus, spoiling all plans for an exciting Friday night out!

Choose your favourite scenario:

COLD: Brrrrr......The cold pierces through your heart. You have nothing on except a thin, see-through singlet. Your toes and fingers are frostbitten and they are precariously close to snapping off. Your face is blue from the cold and your teeth chatter incessantly. Your friends are the polar bears and penguins frolicking in the background. The penguins are cute but the polar bears are biding their time to rip you apart and devour you.

DRY: Your skin has a wrinkled and weathered quality, and though you just turned 20, you look like you're 50 years old. Your throat is parched and the only source of water is your own urine, but that supply is about to run out too. And yea, your breath kinda stinks. But that's not a big deal 'coz you're the only surviving soul in this dry ghost-town. The vultures hover over you, swooping down now and then to check on dinner.

HOT: You're sweating profusely and the heat prickles your skin. You feel like you're in a hot, burning furnace. Fire, destruction and chaos have erupted everywhere around you. Your friends have lost all sanity and are mindlessly throwing stones, then rocks, at one another. Unable to witness another act of cruelty and hate, you stumble along in apocalyptic hopelessness and it dawns on you that the end of mankind has finally come.

WET: It has been raining for months and the bad drainage system in your town has created a massive flood. The sky is overcast with rain clouds and light cannot filter through. The murky, putrid waters have risen to waist level. You cannot help but entertain fears of what lies beneath still waters. Now and then, you see clumps of hair floating on the water surface and your thoughts race wildly. You live in perpetual fear of the unknown and as you trudge your way through, you sense that you are not alone.....

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