Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sex and the City

Caught the movie yesterday, and I'm not sure if I liked it. For one, Carrie annoyed the hell out of me. That creep Big has let her down so many times, you'll think she would have learnt her lesson by now. But noooo...she still hooked up with him in Paris and allowed herself to be left standing at the altar...wait, actually she didn't even get to the altar. Poor sad girl, totally hoodwinked by that scumbag!

Of course, scumbags as scumbags are, I totally expected Big to have cold feet at the last minute. That is just so typical of guys like him, selfish! I'm not saying that I'm all for of couples going ahead with a wedding just because it's planned and too embarrassing to cancel, but really! Backing out is such a cowardly and wrong thing to do, and there are very grave repercussions to think about. Over the past few years, I've heard more and more real life stories about one member of the marrying couple (though more often than not, it's the guy!) having a change of mind and heart. Perhaps this situation is the result of the way things are run here. Wedding preparations commence at least a year before the actual day, and one year is more than sufficient time for a relationship to turn sour.

And as long as the bad boy appeal is still out there, more of such incidents are bound to happen. Why? Because these bad boys are, explicitly put, bad. They only think for themselves and they don't really care about you, because if they did, they wouldn't be that bad, would they? I've told a friend who's attracted to bad boys countless of times to go for good boys instead, because bad boys just end up breaking your heart!

Back to the movie, I think Charlotte and Steve are the sweetest beings on the show. Charlotte, firm believer of fairytale marriages and perfection. She kinda reminds me of an ex-colleague of mine (you know who you are!). And such a loyal friend, I loved the part where she pointed her finger at Big and screamed "I curse the day you were born!", and then her waterbag burst. Haha that was hilarious.

All 4 ladies looked older and more wrinkled than I remember them. Carrie, without makeup, looked like an old witch. Miranda looked like she's been smoking a lot and Charlotte's eyes looked like they were going to pop out. I thought the only one who still looked really hot for her age was Samantha - of course, Botox is probably the answer. My friend and I agreed that the only people who didn't seem to have aged much were Big and the 2 gay boys. Which worries me...I should start investing in better skincare and facial treatments!

So overall, this movie was entertaining, I loved the fashion bit (the clothes, bags and shoes were all to die for). But the storyline was a tad old and cheesy at parts. If you're thinking, oh, if the show's that bad, should I catch Narnia - Prince Caspian instead? The answer is a big, resounding NO. Stick with Sex and the City if the alternative is Narnia, you'll find yourself having a few laughs at least.

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