Monday, October 16, 2006

Food scare

I was darn hungry this morning! Stomach was growling away and screaming for nourishment, but all I did was ignore its calls of plea. When lunch came along, I was looking forward to my favourite maggi mee with fish slices from the market. So off I strutted, in eager anticipation of yummy-licious mee.

After buying a bowl of piping hot mee, I was happily stuffing my face till I stumbled onto something the colour of seaweed. I picked it up delicately with my chopstick, wondering what new ingredient they've added to give the mee such a tangy taste. Lo and behold, I discovered, to my horror, that it was a tiny cockroach! The revelation hit me kinda slow, for instead of spitting out the contents of my mouth, I took a great swallow. Oh man....Zoe Tay would have been so proud of me.

Though I've had my fair share of finding hair in my food, I've never been punished with a roach / bug / millipede before. Feeling dazed and slightly traumatized, I put the badly scalded carcass back into the bowl and returned it to the mee auntie, who chirpily offered a replacement. Thanks auntie, for ruining my otherwise excellent appetite! I'm swearing myself off this freaking dirty and unsanitary stall. Ugghh!

I'm glad this lousy Monday is finally coming to an end. Am already looking forward to the weekend.......

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