Sunday, October 15, 2006

Great Expectations

Lately, an incident set me thinking about whether it's right to have expectations of others. As a parent, do you expect your kid to score his As in school? Would you expect your best friend to listen to you when you're down?

Why do we have expectations? Is it because we want to see the best in others? Does familiarily cause us to take things for granted, hence forming expectations? Or should we blame it on our own selfish motives?

The worst scenario is when expectations are set too high and they're not met. Both parties feel wretched, one from disappointment and the other from helplessness.

Wouldn't the world be a much sweeter place if we could just love one another for what we are?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog :)
I remeber buddha's saying.that is :"Greed is the cause of all sorrows"