Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Techie let-down (Part -1)

Techie accidents always freak me out. This goes way back to the time I bought my first digicam. Let's see, was that in year 2004?


I brought my precious to the 2004 Annual D&D with my then-company. Snapped lots of pretty photos of sexy girls with pouty lips. Got home reeling with excitement at the prospect of uploading these photos onto my laptop. Switched on my camera and Viola! The photos were not there. Took 3 deep breaths to stay calm. Called a tech-expert friend to seek help. After half an hour of messing around, had not managed to retrieve a single photo. Friend told me he has to go. Overwhelmed by helplessness, started crying into the phone. Huge, loud sobs. Blows nose. Friend was compassionate but seemed eager to get off the phone. Hung up and continued sobbing in solitude.


That's the kind of drama-mama reaction I kick up when a tech gadget fails me. I could never handle this aspect of my life very well, and I guess I will never be technically accomplished enough to. Thank goodness I now have my tech whiz bro and supportive bf to help me out in dire tech times. For that, I am thankful :)

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